Tuesday, January 28, 2014

More leaves!

family tree progress
start of a paper wreath
A big shout out to my mom for an artful weekend- especially waxing 200+ leaves for an outdoor wreath!  This is the second wreath she has helped me with that I fully intend on keeping for myself... I just love them too much!  The first involved over 150 wine corks and this one involves water proofing paper using melted wax.

My mom was my go-to source for waxing leaves because I distinctly remember her being an leaf waxing (and selecting) expert.  We would go on walks in the fall in Louisville and she would instruct my sister and I which leaves were "keepers."  She would then wax them and use them for fall decorating.  Mom proved her leaf waxing skills are still up to par, now I just need to deliver on the wreath!

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