Thursday, February 20, 2014

Post Portland Preview

I'm back from Portland with some exciting inspiration for a new collage!  Not only am I inspired by the amazing urban forests in Portland, but also by my students' recent utopian cut paper collages.  Still deciding between these two images for a cut paper collage of my own:
option 1

option 2
Also, here is a quick informal picture of the family tree framed!  Love this barnwood frame with the greens and oranges.

Trigger's way of saying "no more work for tonight!"

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014

Perfectly Plaid

I'm loving these plaid letters!  It took me a minute to get into the process today, but once I got started, I had a lot of fun putting the pieces of this puzzle together.  

See a mistake?  I didn't cut the orange band down to fit the inside of the D... oops!  Easy fix! 

Train silhouette in gray coming soon then these are off to Germany!

that's better!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Family Tree- Finally

All I can say is... here it is!  Thanks to everyone who gave feedback and provided family info- so helpful :)

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Mock Up Time

Here are some images of a mockup for my first real etsy sale!  More details to come!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Shhh... it's a surprise!

Here is a sneak peak of a carmmarie Valentines!  These are most of Chris' gifts all centered on the theme of "bear."  Long story, but Chris' nickname is bear and he HATES it, which makes me LOVE it even more... and in honor of my love for my husband and this nickname, I decided all his gifts for Valentines this year needed to be bear themed!  They are all stashed in the art room closet where a "bear" is hiding- don't let him out!  Wow... I'm taking this too far.

Stay tuned for more on JD's letters as well as a few new house projects!  Lots to get done this weekend!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Color Swatch Time

I love the process of putting together a mock up, especially choosing the color swatches!  Maybe it's because in another life I'm meant to be an interior designer :)  Here are a few mock ups I made today for some upcoming projects.  

Next step, wrap up family tree and jump into some new work!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Hearts and Trains

Today's post features some crafty Valentine's Day previews!  Each year-around wreath has been decorated with the upcoming holiday in mind.  This is also the debut of the waxed paper wreath, which, I must admit looks dynamite from far away... still a little too much wax up close.  Not sure how else to waterproof the paper.

inspired by plaid!

In order to not be too girly, today's post is also of a mock up for JD's letters!  His quilt (Ryder Train Quilted Bedding from Pottery Barn Kids) is the main source of inspiration.
These will be shipped all the way to Germany in about a month's time.  What do you think?
Color scheme in paper form 
The train will end up being more like a gray silhouette

Monday, February 3, 2014

Finally a Big Post!

Thanks to an actual snow day, today's post includes a lot!  To start, the family tree is complete... well, kind of.  Apparently there are some folks out there on my Grandpa's side that I don't know so they don't have oranges yet, but will soon!  I'm still debating on how far back to go with the tree since it is for my Grandma.  This version includes the "modern" family and starts only with my great grandparents.  However, I want to honor the people my Grandma and Grandpa knew as a kid- like their aunts/uncles/cousins, even if I've never met them, but I also want it to have her and my Grandpa as the focal point.  Suggestions welcome!

In addition to all this family tree business, I've also had some time to finish the paper wreath for the back door!  The hot glue gun was the answer here, although it messed with the wax, which still needs to be cleaned up a bit before actually going on display outside.  Trigger is not sure what to think other than, "when's daddy coming home?"

Finally, I was able to score an awesome deal on some paper to start JD's initials!  

More to come on that project as well as a top secret house project (which unfortunately won't get a lot of air time since, well, it is a secret)!  Also, a new family tree coming soon- yey Ellie!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Yey... A Snow Day... Oh wait.

This week has been hectic- meetings every evening... argh.  My studio time has been limited to late late nights and the weekend.  Luckily, we have a snow day tomorrow... well, kind of.  Regardless, I plan to make the most of the day by finishing the family tree!!  Stay tuned!

The main update for today involves the Etsy shop!  The skyline has been posted and the bouquet updated.  If you see something you like, but have questions, feel free to contact me via etsy or at

Custom home and baby letters coming in the next two weeks followed by another family tree!